I have set out to use the Sellers Wheel and turn it into top end private housing accomidation targeting 30+ established professionals. My project is based on my impression of how workers and students need to adapt while studying and starting off work (until 30) and while work can be frustrating or tiring, people’s mind will drift to what they would prefer to be doing / where they would rather be right then.
But after an individual grows, graduates, starts work and gets ‘established’, they can now choose and make their surroundings adapt to fit them. I wanted my project to reflect this progression and how people achieve what they have longed for in the past. I want my building to offer a number of studio appartements that a tenant can choose from that best fit their ‘comfort place’ or element, wheather it be in the city or rural/ abroad living based on what they were dreaming off achieving during their ‘period of growth and adapting’.